Heart Reading … Day 10
Early this morning, thanks to my poor dog not feeling well, I woke and wrote a dream (after letting her do her business outside). Not able to fall back asleep I wrote with the intention of reframing some of the stuck notions I have, fears really, about the future. Instead this amazing poetry came through:
I know why your heart hurts.
Your heart hurts because it has known pure joy — but you are powerless and cannot re-create this joy yourself…
- with all of the flowers you plant and tend to — or notice in others’ gardens,
- with all of the meals you bring to a table to share — or give thanks for others’ preparations,
- with all of the places you have journeyed which color your mind with rich hues of wonder and fascination — or learn about from others’ experiences,
- with all of the conversations you engage in so fully as to be forever changed — or witness through others’ stories.
Yes, joy is known to you and it takes a lifetime to learn how to sustain it; and…
- joy cannot be boxed or bottled or contained,
- joy cannot be saved or stored or “secured,”
- joy cannot be extracted exchanged or extrapolated,
Because joy is alive — it is life lived wide awake and open in the wilds of our hearts. We do not trade joy in or on a market, especially one contrived by the minds of those who try to manufacture joy.
Yes. Please do everything you can to understand this. Life is so precious and worthy of everything you’ve got.
Every ounce of energy, every moment of attention, every precious beat of your heart can turn toward the creator within you — living — in anticipation of meeting the creator within me (any “other”).
And as you anticipate — moment by moment, beat by beat — as we turn toward each other, the heaviness in our hearts will lift, will rise up light —
- able to float as fresh air in the sky
- able to fly as the birds born free
- able to radiate as the essence of sunshine we are born to be.
As we turn toward each other, the pains in our hearts will dissolve away complete —
- able to awaken like the soil roused by the spring rains
- able to embody the growing cycles of our trials and tribulations
- able to stand tall and confident in the truth of solidarity.
Becoming, receiving the grace of kinship — kin-centric relation with all of creation — we will see joy in life, moment upon moment.
- we will laugh at the fleeting notions that have held us in imaginary chains
- we will forgive self and other for the long time it has taken us to re-member truth
- we will embrace reality, hand in hand, knowing we got this,
…un-forgetting the love — and joy — in all that is.