Heart Reading … Day 22
Pondering the nature of space — is it empty or full?
I have so much space in my life lately. Some moments feel so full of life’s potential, like when I sat outside with my eyes closed for a moment this morning and felt the wind travel through the treetops so purposefully and pregnant. Some moments feel devoid of meaning, like right now. Yet I sit here and type about my heart because even in the loneliness of my own doing, I believe in something divine laboring ceaselessly, lovingly.
The Sexual Politics of Meat book I mentioned getting from the library yesterday has me wanting a support group to discuss it. Carol J.Adams has crafted something truly valuable and unique by bringing together vegetarian and feminist cravings for justice, equality, and harmony in a way that compels me to deeply examine my hypocracy as a meat eater and an anti-patriarchy agitator. The often repeated phrase, “the word became flesh” is sounding bells in my body-mind, I believe, because I have so much space to consume and digest her words. And for all of our collective verbal regurgitations competing for one another’s attentions, birthing something so compelling has me awestruck.
I am happy for people who have been able to make a noticeable difference in the world. And I also wonder, like the nature of space, is making a difference empty or full? As I read Adams’ positions on the intersecting notions of domination and silencing, of slaughtering and rape, of insanity perpetuated on and by the oppressed, my heart darkens like the sky outside my window.
Time to read Day 1 again — and reconnect with the sun, my heart rising expansively…