Heart Reading … Day 26
With around 86,400 beats a day, how does one read their heart?
I’ve been writing from my heart for 25 days. I’ve tried a number of ways to read the heart — with support from concentrating on the breath, counting to ten with inhales and exhales, singing breathing songs, doing body scans, noticing the pulse, keeping my hand on my heart, emptying the mind so the heart energy can be larger than the mental energy, connecting to the sunlight within the heart and radiating it out, observing color movement in the body, touching the earth, recalling nature-based moments of the day, recalling “heartfelt” moments of the day, praying, and paying close attention to relationships as they move the heart. One technique I have employed but haven’t written about yet is hanging upside down.
If you have yet to explore inversion tables or simply hanging your head off the side of your bed with your body still on it, you might want to give it a go. It is literally food for the brain to have oxygenated blood flowing unimpeded to the most energy-hungry organ in the body. And what happens EVERY time I do this, is the foggy brain symptoms disappear instantly. Things I’d forgotten I wanted to do, ideas I’d had earlier in the day, important “little” things that give the day meaning, come back with clarity and purpose. It is amazing. We should all take a few breaks a day to hang our heads upside down — or at least lower than our hearts (you can experiment with lowering your head while sitting on the toilet — it’s not quite as effective as the two other methods just mentioned, but it’s better than nothing … unless you made a stinky!).
If the world seems upside down, maybe it makes sense to experiment looking at it from that angle. At least for a few moments here and there.