Heart Reading … Day 70
What is the heart’s holding capacity?
In this moment I am feeling curious about both the heart’s and our Earth’s holding capacity. How much can either one bear? How much pain and suffering … and how much joy and abundance … to sustain balance and harmony in the individual and in the collective?
Outside my window, the noise of a big piece of equipment that has been running all day (it seems) has just been shut off. My entire body relaxed. I’m near tears again.
There is so much that each of our heart’s carries. Health concerns, worries about the future, overwhelm with the day to day. The only thing that helps me to hold these things is to listen to my intuition guide me toward others — to be with others in meaningful ways.
Yesterday I attended a community forum about an issue that I’ve been taking action about — educating myself and showing up in person (with masks) to talk about deforestation and earth removal of very important globally rare ecosystems. I also joined dozens of others in a virtual hearing to testify about this situation. These things caused my heart to shake a bit but the gratification of hearing other’s share their concerns to a legislative body, and to hear the story of one woman who has been fighting a legal battle about her poisoned water, is meaningful. These experiences expand my heart’s holding capacity.
Tonight I will be attending an outdoor performance of Indigenous song and dance. I am thrilled that it is happening and thrilled that I can attend. I have been holding the desire to connect with others in this prayerful way for quite some time; I have set an intention and held it with care.
Earth’s holding capacity may be infinite — certainly not something I wish to try to calculate or even to know. It feels like a very white person thing to want answers to everything. I am learning to not want answers to everything. I am learning to celebrate life more than to hold sadness. I am learning to surrender this to Earth and to love her more skillfully.
Grandmother Rosalinda (above) is on my altar. She helps me not take myself so seriously. She is immensely beautiful in so many ways. And I feel her holding capacity in a way that inspires my growth.