Heart Reading … Day 8

Karen Willard Ribeiro
2 min readJul 24, 2021


There are areas of the tongue that correspond to different organs of the body (very interesting) and the heart area of my tongue has been inflamed for days. It comes and goes and seems to correspond to allergens like dairy but it could also be thoughts and feelings I’m “allergic” to! This image above is called a tongue organ map — bring it to the mirror and see how your organs are doing.

My heart has been all over the map today (and I have been keenly aware of the raw sensitivity in the heart section of my tongue all day). As I give more time and space to being radically honest and as kind as possible in my communications — without being robotic or gratuitous — the familiar rise in sensitivity requires me to reign in my tendency to take things personally. “Is she being hostile towards me?” or “Is he ignoring me?” are two thoughts I had to spend moments with today.

At one point while out in public, I walked very slowly with my eyes closed guided by a rope fence. I felt its shakiness I hadn’t noticed and breathed deeply as it slowed down. I felt awkward and strange but soon that passed; it is as if we magnetically pull others’ attentions toward us with our heightened energy until they choose to return to their internal (and/or external) dialogues. Children were playing closeby and I smiled, grateful to be pulled into their energies for a moment.

One of the two issues I was particularly sensitive about today I chose not to bring up in conversation, though I held the possibility in my mind as I made small talk with the woman in question. The conversation we did have was about some alarming new results she’d just received and in comparison, my concerns were diluted significantly. With the second issue I did take action directly and this led to a resolution, not without strong feelings, which were important and good.

The message I have read from my heart today is, “which words need to be spoken and which words do not?



Karen Willard Ribeiro

Beyond Karen: emerging from the depths of an epic epithet is available at innerfortune.com and at your favorite independent bookseller. Thanks for reading.